“According to the law of attraction freedom is possible – if people have the right mindset and the right opportunities. Freedom is the most precious thing in the world.” Sandra Vogelmann CEO & Founder, Philanthropist & Esperantist, World Traveler & Ambassador for charity projects around the world, Oldest of 4 sisters & mother to 2 sons.
Sandra is passionate in her desire to create a simple and fair business opportunity for everyone – irrespective of their education, experience, or background. Her goal is always to empower people – to empower her corporate team to think out of the box and create great solutions for the affiliates they serve, and to empower FB Universe affiliates with the experience of achieving Freedom & Business success.
With internationally renowned business builder, Mr Nelis van de Wateringen in place as their Founding Affiliate Ambassador, Sandra’s team and the global community of FB Universe affiliates are poised to become a significant force for good in the direct sales arena around the globe.